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  • Team Cole

Devastating Health Crisis in Channel Islands and Beyond

April 26, 2024

This webinar hosted by Andrew Bridgen, Member of Parliament (MP) in the United Kingdom (UK) and chaired by Senator Ron Johnson in the USA, seeks to explore the worrying trends and excess deaths since 2021 in the Channel Islands and around the world. Esteemed medical professionals including Dr. Peter A McCullough, Professor Angus Dalgleish, Dr. Dean Patterson, Dr. Scott Mitchell, Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Kirk A Milhoan weigh in with slides and experiences around the Covid "vaccines" and their concerns.

Find Dr. Ryan Cole's comments, graphs, and data from 53:00 to 1:03:35 in the video above. He hones in on the cancer data at the 1:00:00 mark, showing the UK data which has since been removed. Dr. Cole is commended for his courage in taking a public stance to share his warnings in the face of personal and career persecution.

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